Glada vappen!!


I wish everyone in Finland has a really good “vappu” !! Tomorrow is also a holiday over here so if the weather’s any good I might go to the beach.

So what I’ve been up too:Last week I’ve been on the beach alot, I’ve been shopping, during the weekend I went to the beach with Julia and Paula, on saturday I went to my friend Oscar’s birthday party and Sunday I went to the south with Bryan. Had a nice week.



^^ photos from Saturday!
see you soon<3

Estudiando..¡Qué aburrido!


I’ve been really lazy with posting once again.. Haven’t done muchh this week just school and practice and been to the city a few times and yeaa i’ve been shopping!!! I’m in love with the stores here.. 🙂

Today I’m not going to football practice tho because I have 2 exams tomorrow so I’m staying home studying for those! Thank god it’s friday tomorrow!

Here are some stuff that I’ve bought lately.. I finally found a new bag !

Now back to studying 🙂 Hasta luego x